Monday 10 August 2020

The Importance of Connecting


I have spent today in the presence of other educators. a full day 9-3pm talking ECE with teachers, leaders,

owners. The course was one about Documenting Planning/Learning & Assessing - and while this was thought provoking (see separate post), I am finding I gain more value in the professional discussions and sharing from likeminded people.

I have been a little adrift in the ECE world, finding my feet, unpacking and discovering my philosophy and ways of being, knowing and doing in this sector. I do not yet have a sense of belonging in my own centre, I feel a little like a fake, or a square trying to fit in a round hole. But when given a chance to connect outside of my centre I am finding more common ground, different perspectives and a sense that I am OK, that my emergent thoughts and beliefs are valid.

This interaction and connection to others is the key to passion - it provides the reassurance that I can get there, that it is possible, and that many other leaders (new and seasoned) can face similar challenges, experience similar feelings and that we can look for a way through together.

I look forward to making more connections during PD like today's 

Childspace's: Curriculum & planning for 3-6 year olds
Presented by Taylor Heads

and the Waikato SELO journey ahead

Leading in times of Change May 2020-June 2021.
Wendy Lee, Lorraine Sands and Lynn Rupe

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